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Resilient Sustainability Services

Resilient Sustainability Services

Enhancing workplace while preserving the environment.

Resilient Sustainability Services

Enhancing workplace while preserving the environment.

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We operate at the international level. Helping organizations achieve best practices in industrial workplaces. Raise, achieve and adhere to established international work standards.

Our Vision

  • To cater to the needs of the resource and manufacturing industries.
  • Delivering services based on clearly defined need.
  • Adding value to customer operations.
  • Communicating with customers, partners and stakeholder.
  • Use innovative thinking tool.
  • Global sustainable reporting.

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Commitment to address 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by all United Nations in 2015.
  • Prosperity while protecting the environment.
  • Social needs, education, health, equality, job opportunities.
  • Tackling climate change and preserving natural environments.

Climate Change

  • Changing weather patterns have and will continue to have significant impacts on national economies.
  • The most vulnerable nations will struggle the most but extreme weather recognizes no international borders.
  • The move to low carbon economies is key to building a more resilient futur.
  • Initiatives such as a modern supply chain which take climate change into account will significantly reduce costs to industrial facilities.


What services we provide

Global Sustainable Reporting

Capacity building workshops / GRI introduction workshop. Sustainability context & Stakeholder mapping. Materiality & Boundary. GRI management approach disclosures and topic specific disclosures. Integrating SDGs in GRI reports.

Environmental Management and Risk Assessment

Sustainability Strategy development and implementation – including embedding sustainable development goals in businesses. Environmental regulatory standards, Audit. Environmental Liability (Due Diligence) Assessment. EMS (Environmental Management System) development, auditing and certification. Waste Management, compliance audit and Minimisation Implementation. Environmental Aspect and Impact assessments to meet ISO14001 requirements. EMS context review to meet ISO14001 requirements – identify business risks and opportunities. Energy and Water Minimisation Implementation. EHS Compliance Management. Contaminated Land and Water Quality Assessment, Investigation and Reporting. Energy Management. Environmental Compliance. Environmental Risk Assessment. Productivity improvement.

Health and Safety and Risk Assessment

HSE Audit, Assessment and Compliance. OHSMS (Occupational Health and safety Management System) development, auditing and certification. OHS regulatory standards, Audit. HSE Audit, Assessment and Compliance. GAP Analysis. OHSMS Management System ISO18001/45001. Development of Corporate Health and Safety Policies. Development of Standard Operation Procedure (SOP. Industrial Safety Equipment. Health and Safety software. Game-based learning. Wellbeing including mental health. Focused training, on site or virtual. Continuous improvement techniques. Human resources and legal support. Cyber security

Mining and Metallurgy

Complete consulting services. Tailings management. New tailings and mine waste facility design. Water balance. Hydrogeology. Geochemical characterization and water quality prediction. Cover design. Landform evolution. Open pit final void assessment. Mine closure and monitoring.

Tailings dewatering and paste-fill laboratory studies

  • materials characterization.
  • materials handling and rheology.
  • dewatering and thickening, filtration.
  • binder addition.
  • geotechnical and stability.
  • pipeline pressure and distribution systems.

Cost-effective modular plant designs.



The ones who runs this company

Lusine Manucharyan

Lusine Manucharyan

CEO and Co-Founder

Armenia | +37494909688


Lusiné is a certified sustainable development specialist and brings leadership skills acquired through the facilitation of environmental, health and safety, social and economic management systems, International Organization for Standardization (ISO 14001), (ISO 45001) implementation and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) reporting. She also has experience with guidelines and standards set by the international finance corporation (IFC). She is people-orientated and passionate about culture change to promote a safe and productive workplace. She has over 20 years of experience from the mining and transportation industries. Lusiné holds an Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) diploma in Sustainable Business Practice and a foreign languages degree from Yerevan State University. In addition she is in the process of acquiring IEMA full membership and Chartered Environmentalist designation.



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